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Terms of Service

The following Terms of Service must be agreed by the Customer when ordering a hosting package from OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com. By agreeing to our Terms of Service, you are also agreeing our Privacy Policy.

Customer is entitled to a 30 day money back guarantee on hosting fees charged by OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com. Account setup fees are non-refundable and any domain names registered on your behalf are subject to a $20 registration fee. Cancellations MAY ONLY be submitted via our CANCELLATION FORM. WE WILL NOT accept cancellations via regular email or phone call, no exceptions. Annual hosting fees including renewals after 30 days are non-refundable.

Design Services: Once a design is approved by the client, the account is ineligible for a refund. Projects that are not initiated by client past 30 days are ineligible for a refund. Clients who do not approve a design and do not request a refund within 60 days are ineligible for a refund. In such cases, client retains a store credit for amount charged. Domain Name Fee's: Included in our service, we provide a complimentary domain name for the initial year of your subscription. Following the first year, the domain will be subject to an annual renewal fee, in accordance with our standard billing practices. Please note that all domain registration and renewal fees are non-refundable, regardless of any cancellations or disputes.

Customer acknowledge that OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com incurs fees up front to register domain names on customer's behalf. In the case where OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com cannot recover outstanding domain registration fees due to customer account going into unpaid status, OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com will retain ownership of domain name after 6 months.

Customer acknowledges and specifically agrees that chargebacks are unlawful if OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com's service has been rendered. If customer has a billing dispute with OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com, the Customer must settle such dispute with OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com directly without initiating any chargeback proceedures. Any chargeback will evoke an automatic US$150 (one-hundred-fifty dollars) service fee, without exception, for which customer will be held responsible in via a collection agency.

Returned checks will be assessed a $25.00 charge.

Customer acknowledges that annual accounts are billed on the first day of the anniversary month.

Customer acknowledges discounts for annual payment are only for the first year of service. Subsequent renewal terms are at regular price for annual and/or monthly billing.

Customer acknowledges that OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com reserves the right to place auto-dialed calls in the case that the customer's credit card is declined at the time of renewal.

Customer acknowledges that OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com reserves the right to delete all content if outstanding payments are not paid within 60 days.

Shared hosting space may only be used for web files, active email, and content of User Websites. Shared hosting space may not be used for storage (whether of media, emails, or other data), including, as offsite storage of electronic files, email or FTP hosts. OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com expressly reserves the right to review every shared account for excessive usage of CPU, disk space, and other resources that may be caused by a violation of this Agreement or the Acceptable Use Policy. OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com may, in our sole discretion, terminate access to the Services, apply additional fees, or remove or delete User Content for those accounts that are found to be in violation of OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com terms and conditions.

Customer acknowledges that auto-dialed calls may be placed to the phone number on file and only serve as one of the means to notify customer via phone so that interruption of service does not occur due to declined credit card. Customer also acknowledges that auto-dialed billing reminder calls may occur more than once a month.

Returned checks will be assessed a $25.00 charge.

Customer is not permitted to store, resell or give away their website to any other person whilst under a contract with OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com.

OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com reserve the right to cancel your account at any point in time, for whatever reason without prior notice.

You are not permitted to store any more data than your given package amount agreed on the server. Should you exceed this limit OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com may suspend your account until further notice. You will be advised of what measures to take to ensure your stay within your limit.

Should the Customer wish to terminate their account, they must fill out our cancellation form located at http://cancel.OneWebHosting.com. OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com requires 30 day notice on all cancellations.

On closing a OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com account all data on the server will be deleted. Please ensure you have a full backup of everything stored before canceling as we will not be able to reclaim this data.

Customer is recommended to backup all data stored on our servers, as it is not guaranteed to be backed up by OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com

OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com are not liable for any loss, damage or change to customer's data on the server caused by misuse, unavailability or removal of service.

OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com reserves the right to solicit reseller hosting account customers directly in the case of a reseller becoming inactive or unresponsive to customer requests.

OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com is not responsible for reseller domain names that are not renewed by the reseller. Resellers are responsible for keeping their information up to date in accordance to ICANN rules.

Customer is solely responsible for the entire content of their website. Please ensure you agree with the Acceptable Use Policy and that your website reflects the instructions set out by OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com. The Customer may not run any server processes, for example talkers and IRC from OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com servers.

Should the customer wish to take advantage of the 30 day money back guarantee, please refer to our guidelines.

Should the customer exceed their bandwidth limit shown on chosen package, which then reaches the point where it has an adverse effect on our other OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com Customer we reserve the right to disable the website until you can reduce the usage. Any bandwidth overage charges will be billed at the end of the month for accounts that exceed their bandwidth allocation, at a rate of $10 per gigabyte (GB), rounded up, per month. We will email you around the time you reach your limit, although we are not responsible for email messages you do not receive.

As the customer, you are responsible for all the data contained within your website. You must ensure you have obtained any permission needed for any of the data, OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com are not liable for any consequence should it arise. In some cases, we are able to recover deleted content from a previous server snapshot. In such a case, there is a $250 data recovery fee.

OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com reserve the right to modify/update or revise this agreement without prior notice, at any point in time. If you have any queries regarding this agreement please contact OneWebHosting.com / BuildYourSite.com.

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